Who is Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi?
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the founder of Sahaja Yoga. She was born in 1923 to Prasad Salve, a scholar of 14 languages and member of Parliament, and Cornelia Salve, the first Indian woman to receive an Honor’s in Mathematics. She was a part of India’s independence struggle, and was even jailed for her involvement as a youth leader.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi founded Sahaja Yoga in 1970 and has since travelled to more than 95 countries to spread the the message of Sahaja Yoga. She has been recognised worldwide by government and institiutions including being awarded the Personality of the Year by the Italian government in 1986.
Who can practice Sahaja Yoga?
Sahaja Yoga is meant for people of all ages, genders, caste, creed, nationality or religious beliefs. People from all walks of life have realised the benefits of meditation in Sahaja Yoga.
Student’s have been able to concentrate better, adults are free from stress and people suffering from medical ailments have seen their health improve.
Sahaja Yoga is currently practiced in more than 180 countries by people of all religions, ages, nationalities and backgrounds.
Is Sahaja Yoga a religion?
Sahaja Yoga does not involve any of the practices that one would associate with conventional religion. There are no priests or representatives of God, nor is there any structure of teaching or doctrination that is propounded by any group.
Sahaja Yoga’s teachings do however significantly overlap with the teachings of other major religions such as Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism, Jainism, Islam, Sikhism etc. Sahaja Yoga teaches us that the basis of all the major religions of the world are important to the development of the human race.
Sahaja Yoga can be thought of as a meditative technique that helps a person from worrying too much about the past or the future by setting up a state of thoughtless awareness. Sahaja Yoga estabilishes self realisation, a happening by which a person is able to form a connection with the Divine and feel as a cool breeze on the finger tips.
Is Sahaja Yoga free?
Sahaja Yoga Meditation is held in over 100 countries around the world and is always provided free of charge. Right from the earliest days, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi made it clear that this knowledge and the process of union effected by our Self-realization is the birthright of every human being and therefore cannot be charged for.
Do we have to change our lifestyle in Sahaja Yoga meditation?
Sahaja Yoga does not require any changes to your lifestyle. There are no list of don’t’s of any kind.
Sahaja Yogis have however found that as they get deeper into their meditative state of thoughtless awareness, the habits and addictions they have been trying to get rid of end up appearing less and less attractive, to the point of these addictions dropping off by themself.
Where can I find a Sahaja Yoga center near me?
You can find a Sahaja Yoga center near you by clicking here.
How is Sahaja Yoga different from other types of Yoga?
Sahaja Yoga is a method of meditation that estabilishes thoughtless awareness through the process of self realisation. Through Sahaja Yoga, you will be able to experience a physical connection with the Divine in the form of a cool breeze on your finger tips.
Unlike other gurus or alternate medicine, there are no fees or courses or merchandise that need to be purchased. Sahaja Yoga is a completely free method of attaining thoughtless awareness and through it – inner peace and satisfaction.
Can Sahaja Yoga help me in my professional career or studies?
Sahaja Yoga does not promise any quick fix solution to problems at work or school. However, Sahaja Yogis have found that by meditating in a state of thoughtless awareness, they are able to concentrate better and are less distracted by external thoughts. This increased focus along with the joy experienced from the connection with the Divine, has helped many Sahaja Yogis do well at their workplace and in their studies.